Wilbur Kelsey Thomas to Jane Addams, January 25, 1924


January 25, 1924.

Jane Addams,
Hull House,
800 S. Halsted Street,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Friend:

I am very sorry that you have been ill and I trust that you will convalesce rapidly.

It it very kind of you to suggest that you may be able to fill some speaking engagements in Philadelphia late in March. I surely hope that we will be able to make such appointments for you.

With some reorganization in the New York office, we feel that the campaign is going along in much better shape. Our reports from Henry T. Brown, chief of our work in Germany, are very interesting. A copy of a cable which we received from him yesterday is enclosed. I am sure you will be interested in reading it.

Sincerely yours,

Executive Secretary

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