Oswald Garrison Villard
No. 20 Vesey Street
New York
March 15, 1920
Miss Jane Addams,Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.
Dear Miss Addams:
Many thanks for yours of the 10th. I do not believe we can do much with the German material on food conditions, particularly in view of latest developments, but the questionnaire as to education I should like to see. I do not recall any material in regard to the Siberian prisoners. I should like to know just what is going on there.
We shall have an article in this week's Nation on the farcical trial of Miss Whitney. It makes one blush for being an American!
As to Dr. Foerster, I have written to Miss Balch and to Professor Herron urging that his coming be delayed. Many of us here feel that we are still too near the war to ensure the proper reception, even to a German descendant [dissents] like Professor Foerster. On the other hand, Paul Warburg is one of those who feels that a delegation of English, French and Austrian ↑& German↓ women, speaking on the same platform at the same time, could achieve very valuable results.
Cordially yours,
Oswald Garrison Villard. [signed]
↑PS. I was so sorry to miss you while you were here.↓