John Sanborn Phillips to Jane Addams, July 26, 1910

The American Magazine
Phillips Publishing Company

341 Fifth Avenue

Union Square, 31 East 17th Street,

New York

July 26, 1910.

Miss Jane Addams,
Bethel, Me.

My dear Miss Addams:

I am sending you a check for $600, which we consider the balance due you on account of the articles. Now when I think of the effect they made and the way that so many readers have written about them, it seems as if I ought to pay you more and I wish I could.

For instance, here is a bit in a letter just caught in the mail this morning: "I have to take off my hat to read your Jane Addams story. I don't know whether this comes from a higher sort of admiration or just pure reverence. I wish you would tell her that her light is shining beyond Hull House -- and Chicago." These expressions come to us all the time.

I should like to know in advance, if at any time, you are going to deliver an address. We make up the magazine long in advance and if we could have a copy in a case like this, beforehand, we might be able to publish soon after you delivered it and have more timely effect.

I have just received from Dr. William [Osler?] a very remarkable address that I will print before long.

Very sincerely yours,

John S. Phillips [signed]