Dec. 28, 1922.
Dear Miss Addams:
I am sending you some names of persons and institutions in the Orient. I have put down on one list those whose interest runs rather definitely in the direction of settlement work.
Another list is made up of Y.M.C.A. secretaries. You will find them all very intelligent men and keenly alive to social problems. It is a matter of interest and even of duty with them to receive American visitors and to assist them in learning as much as possible about the higher interests of the communities in which they are stationed. You will find that they are as little as possible under the missionary handicap from the point of view of leading native citizens. In every case they will be able to put you in touch with the persons whom you would most like to see. In some of the oriental cities you will find Y.W.C.A. secretaries of the same type.
I am including a very partial list of the American missionary colleges. I am sure you will be greatly interested to come in contact with them.
The Y.M.C.A. men will put you in touch with some very enlightened developments of denominational missionary work. You ought, for instance, to see Sam Higginbottom, a Presbyterian missionary who is really a great agricultural statesman in India. The social work in the villages of India is extremely interesting and important.
You will find it worth while in the larger oriental cities to see the editors of the leading newspapers in English. They take a pretty conservative point of view but they are intelligent and often high-minded men.
In Calcutta you will probably find Captain J. W. Petavel, a Swiss born, former officer in the English army who is carrying on some interesting experiments in industrial education. He is somewhat of a dreamer, but I think you will be interested to talk with him.
You will find the American Express Company’s offices very useful to you in all the larger cities.
With all good wishes for a most successful journey, I am
Sincerely yours,
Robt. A. Woods [signed]