Paul Underwood Kellogg to Jane Addams, December 28, 1923

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December 28, 1923

Dear Miss Addams:

Some one told me that the New York Times quoted part of your Christmas message; and although the American garbled it and the Tribune turned it down, I am hopeful that you will find that it touched not a few people none the less.

Meanwhile we are sending it to the printer for inclusion in the January Midmonthly -- making a page feature of it. We are altogether distraught that we are bringing it out in mid-January rather than mid-December, but it is something to prize for all time. But the calendar enters into the slant of the [the?] ↑our↓ introductory note which, while it does not minimize to any degree the Christmas nature of the message, throws the emphasis forward.

As the issue is going to press right away, may I ask you to vise and return by first mail. I'll take the responsibility for the first paragraph if you will pass on the rest.


Miss Jane Addams
Hull House
800 S. Halsted St.
Chicago,  Ill.

P.S. If you strongly prefer to have the line -- A Message to Believers in Peace and Freedom or A Message for Peace and Freedom -- changed to "The Christmas Message of Jane Addams" we can do so.