Jane Addams to James Joseph Mallon, December 6, 1923


December 6, 1923

My dear Mr. Mallon:

I am enormously interested in the fellowship and am at a loss to understand why it has been so difficult to get any money for it in America. It is partly owing to the fact that we have made only very gradual progress in the matter of financing the National Federation itself. There seems to be difficulty in getting beyond the work of the individual houses or city federations, which makes one feel that in some ways we have not educated our givers properly. I still hope that we will be able to send the comparatively small sum of 2500 pounds but I will confess that not a penny of it is as yet on hand. I have not in the least lost my interest in the project or belief that it can be done and I am mortified to write you of our complete lack of success.

Mr. Woods has just written me of a plan or two he has in mind and I have yet to hear from a group of university people who showed a lively interest in the project although their financial resources are limited.

May I ask you, for the benefit of our further campaign which I hope we can start soon, to send me more of the folders entitled "Barnett Fellowship." They were issued I think, in 1914. Perhaps you have something more recent.

I am very much better and almost quite myself again but constantly pulled upon by my interest in the stricken people of Japan, many of whom became our very good friends. With cordial greetings to the members of the settlement and especially Mr. Catchpool, I am

Faithfully yours,