Valér Ferenczy to Anna Mary Lloyd Jesse, March 15, 1923

Budapest, March 15, 1923
Dohány-utca 57.

My dear Miss Lloyd,

I thank you very much for your letter of February 12, which I received only yesterday, as it was sent on to me from Transylvania.

I am glad you are advising me to send a proof of my etching "Ara Pacis" to Miss Addams; I shall certainly send her a proof of each of the three versions of it.

What you say about the American attitude towards art is very interesting, though it does not seem exactly encouraging in this case. Generally speaking, I am not exactly opposed to the l'art pour l'art [page 2] point of view; ↑and↓ after all, it is not inapplicable to my "Ara Pacis".

Very sincerely yours

Valer Ferenczy

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