March 5, 1908
335 S. Halsted Street,
Chicago, Ill.
Dear Madam:
During the last convention of the American Federation of Labor, held in Norfolk, Virginia, November 11-23, 1907, there was considerable discussion of a resolution introduced by one of the delegates, calling for the convention's endorsement of any policy, or any society or association having for its object the raising of the standard of industrial education and the teaching of the higher technique of our various industries.
The committee to which this subject was referred reported, and the convention adopted, the following:
"After an exhaustive, impartial discussion, your committee decided to record itself in favor of the best opportunities for the most complete industrial and technical education obtainable for prospective applicants for admission into the skilled crafts of this country, particularly as regards the full possibilities of such crafts, to the end that such applicants [if] fitted not only for all usual requirements, but also for the highest supervisory duties, responsibilities and rewards; and your committee recommends that the Executive Council give this subject its early and deep consideration, examining established and proposed industrial school systems, so that it may be in a position to inform the American Federation of Labor what, in the Council's opinion, would be the wisest course for organized labor to pursue in connection therewith."
This matter, among others, was taken up by my colleagues of the Executive Council at their meeting held in this city, January [page 2] 20-25, and the entire subject was referred to the undersigned to make a thorough investigation and submit a report to the next meeting of the Council.
Knowing that you are in a position to furnish valuable information upon this subject, I desire to say that I would greatly appreciate any information which you may be able to give, and feel disposed to give, and any suggestion which you may offer as being helpful to me in making the investigation as directed.
Thanking you in advance for whatever you may be able to do in the matter, I am,
Very truly yours,