Thomas Wentworth Higginson to Jane Addams, [1910]

27 Buckingham St

Dear Miss Addams

Recalling as I do my earlier acquaintance with you while you were planning your "20 yrs in Hull House", I take pleasure to tell you that my only daughter, now the wife of a prominent young physician ↑in Boston↓ and with two children of her own, selected your book as the most appropriate birthday present for me and that she, having put her fine little boy under our care this winter that he might have [freer] life than a city gives, chose your book to [cover?] best in educating both him & me for [page 2] life's duties. I am sure that many regard it as an essentially enjoyable & instructive book as we do, and at the mature age of eighty seven I thank you for what you teach me. My old friend & playmate Charles Norton used to surprise people by saying that if he were to live his life over again he thought he should spend ([illegible]) it in Chicago, and a few days spent in the house of my old friend [MacVeagh] once helped to confirm that impression. If he brings you to Boston again next summer, let me know, that we may meet again. I hold my strength firmly and my interests more strongly than ever in these waning years.

Most Cordially

Thomas Wentworth Higginson
for self & wife