Macmillan Company account statement for Democracy and Social Ethics, May 1902-April 1903


Miss Jane Addams in account with THE MACMILLAN COMPANY

66 Fifth Avenue, New York

Democracy and Social Ethics From May 1st, 1902, to April 30th, 1903.

Published ____19            Sells @____

To Royalty on     17 Copies @ .05   .85   
To Royalty on 1000 Copies @ .12 1/2    125.00
To Royalty on 1000 Copies @ .13 3/4    137.50
To Royalty on   671 Copies @ .15    100.65

Sales to May 1st 1902           983 Copies
Sales to May 1st 1902-1903 2688 Copies

3671 Copies

On hand May 1, 1902      525
Printed Since                 3325
Edition Over

38     Presented (London)
42     Presented
172   Sold (London)
2516 Sold
0       Editions Short
90     Stock (London)
995   Stock April 30, 1903

Item Relations


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