Founder of Hull-House -- International Leader, May 18, 1922

Founder of Hull House
International Leader

Life and Work of Miss Jane Addams Subject of Interesting Talk on Wednesday Night -- Efforts of Community [Center] Graphically Described.

"WITH malice towards none, and charity towards all" is no more aptly applied to anyone than Jane Addams, the founder and leader of the famous Hull House in the Nineteenth Ward of Chicago. Her fine attitude towards the people of all nations and the spirit of goodwill and fellowship she maintains towards them all, together with her splendid social service efforts carried on in the Windy City, make her a foremost leader of international thought among women. She is the world president of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, and her civic work having grown naturally out of her endeavor in the community [center] which she established. Because she is so absolutely human and makes everyone who comes into contact with her feel that that person can do just what she has done in community work, is the reason for her wonderful success. This was the declaration of a personal friend, Mrs. Sanford Lyon of this city, when speaking at the meeting of the Vancouver branch of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom held on Wednesday evening at the Woman's Building, Thurlow Street, with the president, Mrs. J. S. Woodsworth, in the chair.

Work of the Institution.

Renewing acquaintance with Hull House about one year ago, Mrs. Lyon stated that it was ten years since she had had any connection with that famous [center]. Quoting the head of the house, she said that Jane Addams has found that the likenesses between people are greater than the differences, and that this leaves a spirit of cooperation that has been fostered in the [center]. There are large numbers of people who come at all hours to Miss Addams for assistance, and everyone is welcomed and given assistance in as far as the house can do it. There are activities of all kinds in Hull House, every nationality and every age finding their place in the scheme of things and everything for the betterment of life taught there.

Trip Through House.

A graphic description of the various component parts of the institution proved very interesting, as the speaker explained the different buildings with their uses. There are suites for married couples, apartments and rooms for the men and for the women. The coffee house was at first an experiment, but soon became an established fact, and now is a social [center] above which is the [theater]. This [center] has always been extremely popular ever since its inception, declared Mrs. Lyon, and has been constantly in use, as there are a large number of dramatic clubs, with members of every age and every nationality. The gymnasium is a popular [center], as well as the labor museum, where the object of assisting the second generation of immigrants to understand the first is carried on most successfully. The arts studio, including Butler's art gallery, has made a great appeal to numbers, who find there their only enjoyment in life. The music school under Miss Eleanor Smith has proved a boon to the work since it was begun, and here is often found a common ground for all nationalities. The nurseries, with their open air school and crèche, were described, and the speaker told how, as each new department grew in scope, it was, if possible, handed over to the city, with which there is close cooperation, thus enabling Hull House to undertake further research work.

Boys' Work.

Mrs. Lyon remarked that Miss Addams had told her last year that all possible resources were being devoted to the boys' work, there being an increase in crime among the boys in Chicago, and by thus enlarging the work it is hoped to make some impression on the wave license following the war.

Later the book by Miss Addams, "Peace and Bread," was ably reviewed by one of the members of the league and proved most instructive.