165 - 91st., So. Chicago, May 19, 1909.
My dear Miss Adams:-
I have [today] received a circular letter inviting me to become a member of the American Association for Labor Legislation. I am strongly under the impression that I joined that Association last Fall and paid my dues. I should be glad to have this referred to the right person, and if I have not paid my dues I will attend to the matter at once.
I am hard at work trying to get money enough together to take care of the sick babies and for outings this Summer. It is my first experience raising money, and, except that I don't think I am so very successful at it, it is interesting because of it's newness.
We seem to be growing in some ways, especially in our day nursery, which has an average of twelve children a day. I call that doing well for a six month old concern.
I hope that you are well and not overdoing.
Grace Darling [signed]