Henry Crittenden Morris to Chicago Peace Society-- Executive Committee, October 11, 1921


To the Members of the Executive Committee of the Chicago Peace Society:

In response to my letter of June 13th requesting an expression of your views relative to the future of the Chicago Peace Society, a majority of the members of the committee have favored me with their replies.

On the question, shall the Chicago Peace Society again become active, the vote was: in the affirmative: Abeel and Hyde (2); in the negative: Brown, Barnes, Dickinson, Dupuy, Fisher, Greenebaum, Hirsch, Lee, Logan, Richards, Rossbach, O'Connor, Sippy and Morris, (14): not voting: Addams, Nollen, Peabody and Solomon, (4).

A majority of all the members therefore voted in the negative and against the resumption of the activities of the society.

By a similar vote the majority of the committee authorized the sale of the remaining furniture, effects and books of the society.

On the question of the disposal of the records of the society, the vote was: to deposit the records with the Chicago Historical Society: Brown, Abeel, Hirsch, Hyde, Logan, O'Connor, Richards and Morris, (8); to forward the records to the American Peace Society at Washington: Dickinson, Dupuy , Fisher, Greenebaum, Lee and Sippy (6); not voting: Addams, Barnes, Nollen, Peabody, Rossbach, and Solomon, (6).

The committee has, therefore authorized the transfer of the records to the Chicago Historical Society.

On the question of the disposal of the funds, whatever they may finally be to the credit of the society in the hands of the treasurer, Mr. Charles Hutchinson, and on deposit in the Corn Exchange National Bank, the vote was: to transfer these funds to the American Peace Society: Brown, Abeel, Dickinson, Dupuy, Fisher, Greenebaum, Hirsch, Rossbach, Sippy and Morris, (10); to transfer them to the Chicago Historical Society: Richards, (1); to transfer them to the Chinese Famine Relief Fund: Barnes, (1); to transfer them to the Northwestern University Law School: Hyde (1); to transfer them to some similar local organization: O'Connor, (1); not voting: Addams, Lee, Logan, Nollen, Peabody and Solomon, (6). [page 2]

The committee has therefore authorized the transfer of the remaining funds of the society to the American Peace Society at Washington.

In accordance with the directions of the committee I have therefore, proceeded to sell, as promptly as possible, all the remaining furniture, books and other effects of the society, and having just completed the task, I am able to report that I have received therefor the sum of $226.60, after deducting all expenses. The previous balance on deposit in the Corn Exchange National Bank was $62.32. Our treasurer pursuant to the instructions of the committee also invested in one $100.00 Liberty Bond which is now worth $89.50; plus interest approximating $1.85.

The total amount of these items is $380.27, more or less, now in the hands of our treasurer and on deposit in the Corn Exchange National Bank subject to the instructions of this committee as heretofore indicated; the bank however, requires that some authority be given Mr. Hutchinson and me to transfer this balance to the American Peace Society. I am therefore preparing a formal letter addressed to him which I shall very shortly submit to the members of the executive committee accessible in Chicago, for signature; -- which letter I trust each of you will be so kind as to sign promptly, so that the final transfer of the funds may be made without delay.

For their information I regret to advise the members of the committee that our esteemed member, Mr. S. W. Lamson, died [some time] ago; Messrs. Nollen and Peabody have removed from Chicago; our treasurer and auditor are inactive; so that the actual voting strength of the committee is reduced to eighteen members.

For the purpose of informing you finally of the action taken by me in reference to the transfer of the funds and records of the society as directed by you, I shall again write you briefly after having carried out your instructions.

October 11, 1921.

Very sincerely yours,

Henry C. Morris [signed]