Nov. 20, 1908.
My dear Miss Thomas: --
As you may know, we missed by only one vote having the provision for the municipal franchise for women put into the charter last winter. Now that the charter has come up again, we are making every effort that the franchise shall be extended to women upon equal terms with men. I am Chairman of the Committee composed of delegates from 101 women's organizations, including large national societies, and labor unions, as well as the usual Woman's Clubs. Would it be possible for you to address a meeting some Sunday afternoon, perhaps the first Sunday in December? We would make a special effort to secure the attendance of [page 2] the college women, and by holding a series of mass meetings, each one directed toward a particular set of women in the city, hope in time to arouse public sentiment in many directions. If you could consider coming upon such a mission, would you kindly let me know the possible dates? The Charter Convention begins its sitting ten days from now. The Steering Committee, which is now in session, has already passed favorably upon our measure. We had a most interesting hearing before them last Monday.
With cordial greetings to Miss Garrett and yourself, I am,
Sincerely yours,
Jane Addams [signed]