Ellen Winsor to Jane Addams, May 8, 1921



Dear Miss Addams:

My sister gave me the Pax pin, which you so very kindly sent me. Thank you a thousand times for it. I shall treasure it always, not only as the symbol of a cause dear to me, but because you were the donor.

I do not deserve it, but I appreciate its worth, I can assure you.

The telegram sent to me from the [page 2] Annual Meeting W.I.L.P.F. was splendid. My arrest was just laughable, but at the same time terrible, as that kind of tyranny on the part of the police is put over all the time on people who are unable to defend themselves. We realize that and my sister (Mrs Evans) and I hope to keep that the issue -- free speech -- at our trial.

With my love to you, Miss Addams and thanking you again for "Pax."

Yours for P. & F.

Ellen Winsor

May 8 --

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