Abel Davis and Harry Pratt Judson to Jane Addams, June 16, 1921

Urgent Message from Special Gifts Committee, Near East Relief,
19 South La Salle Street
Chicago, Ill.

June 16, 1921.

The following cable was received from Constantinople, too late to be enclosed with our appeal of yesterday. It emphasizes the urgency of the need:

"We are rushing additional food to Caucasus. Native Near East personnel at [Alexandrapol] voluntarily cut their food rations half and refunded their salaries since December to assist in meeting the crisis. Ten Thousand Additional orphans must be taken in by Near East Relief orphanages or starve. Caucasus appropriations must be doubled or large food supplies contributed free.

Administrative Committee,
Near East Relief, Constantinople."

We hope for a favorable response.

Yours sincerely,

Abel Davis [signed]
Harry Pratt Judson [signed]
Special Gifts Committee

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