George Foster Peabody to Jane Addams, April 5, 1921

Saratoga Springs
New York

April 5th 1921

My Dear Miss Addams --

I am afraid you are not to be at the meeting on Saturday evening as I observe Mrs Kelley is to preside but send this to NY on the chance.

I wish to congratulate you on the definite program you are initiating -- I believe the peoples are ready for movement if we can now secure the leadership that will appeal to their imagination effectively. I am sorry that I cannot be in NY on Saturday.

I assume you did not see my letter to The World three months ago and enclose it because I have still faith that the suggestion I make is not [page 2] impracticable and more than disarmament must be our goal. It is the more than strange irony of fate to have Mr Root and his followers now claim "moral force" the only necessity for maintenance of Peace whereas they probably will not get you the least assistance in your campaign for an effective leading up to a chance that moral force can be heard.

I am sorry that Mrs Peabody is not able because of heart troubles to actively help -- but she is eagerly in sympathy -- spiritually -- I enclose one of her former poems which to one seems still to have timeliness.

I have been much impressed by the reports from the noble work which the Friends have been doing [page 3] in Germany and was confirmed in my hope for real peace propaganda there by the fine letter from Mr Yarnall in The Survey of March 19th -- It strengthened my faith that a German version of In the Vanguard might be of real service now. I have written to Mr Fried at Vienna to learn if he has an introduction which the Baroness Von Suttner wrote for a translation made by Ernst Richard. The Baroness requested the author permission to make such a translation but Mr Richard had the permission already and he asked the Baroness to write an introduction which I understood she did -- then the dreadful war broke and both died -- I have always [page 4] felt that their hearts were both broken by the war.

I should be glad to know your thought as to such a circulation now in Germany. There are already I find some indications of a revival of interest in "In the Vanguard" in this country already. I have always felt that it would have a third period of wide influence. In 1913 when it was published it was prophetic of the war as it turned out in 1915 & 16 it became a factor in the "Keep out of War" cry and its largest service may be in this movement which we must carry to success. The enclosed bit of Community arousing and expression may interest you. I am with high regard Sincerely Yours

George Foster Peabody