As the First Congress held at The Hague in the midst of war in 1915, by fifteen hundred women representing twelve nations, gathered into a well-considered program the propositions then being discussed in every neutral and belligerent country looking towards permanent peace:
As the Second Congress, held in Switzerland in 1919, by women representing twenty-one nations, formulated a protest against the unworkable terms of the treaty, and urged a consideration by the League of Nations of those human interests which have hitherto been so inarticulate in international affairs:
So the Third Congress, to be held in Vienna in 1921, by women representing a still larger number of nations, may, it is hoped, draw together the movements for reconciliation, the demands for a new method of approach and for a constructive good will, all of which are so sadly needed in the relationship between nations.
The mornings of the Vienna Congress will be given to plenary sessions, the afternoons to committee meetings and private informal discussion. There will be public meetings of general interest in the evenings. The New Women's Club of Vienna, the Municipality and other corporations, are heartily [cooperating] with the plans for the Congress. The Agenda of the Congress is not yet arranged, but it is hoped to cover such topics as the following: Education as the Way to Peace; Efforts Against War Animosities; Women in International Affairs; Pacifism in Moments of Economic and Social Transition; Revision of Treaties; The League of Nations; Freedom of Trade, Transit and Communication; The Organization and Work of the W.I.L.P.F.
All the well established National Sections have already selected their twenty delegates and ten alternates. Miss Balch, the International Secretary, is at present traveling in the Balkans in the interests of some of the newer organizations. The United States Section is arranging for delegates at large from Mexico, Japan and China. [page 3]
For Men and Women of All Nationalities
At Salzburg, an ancient town of great historic interest and picturesque site, long a famous center for artists and tourists, within easy reach of the Bavarian Alps and the Tyrol.
This School, held under the auspices of The Women's International League, is in charge of the British Section. They have recently published the following announcement:
"A [program] for the Summer School with list of speakers is now nearly completed. Among others we have secured Professor G. F. Nicolai, Author of the 'Biology of War'; Dr. Lionel Taylor, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P, University Extension Lecturer, London; Dr. Ethel Williams; Mr. Watkin Davies, History Lecturer at Bristol University; Mr. Herman Tobler, Director of the New School, Switzerland; Prof. Schulze [Gävernitz], and Monsieur F. Crucy on 'The Contemporary Press.' Mlle. Rolland will give the French Literature classes. We hope shortly to get out a final [program].
Will any members who are not able to go themselves, but would like to help poorer students, particularly from Central Europe, to attend, please send us any, even the smallest donation towards this purpose."
Hotel accommodations can be secured for from $12 to $15 per week. Inexpensive meals will be served at the Government Restaurant, to which Hoover food drafts for the use of the School are being sent.
For further information apply to Miss Margaret B. Crook, 125 East 37th St., New York Or to Miss K. E. Royds, 14 Bedford Row, London, W.C.I. [page 4]
The Chairman of the Austrian Section writes: "There is now in Vienna no lack of food supplies, but only an immense lack of money to buy food supplies imported at the high rates of exchange, and for foreigners this does not count. Even the mark stands so high that at present a mark brings 10 crowns, so that German women can live here for one-tenth of their money. But that nobody may be able to say that bread, the most important article of food, has been eaten away from the Viennese by international guests, the local Committee of Arrangements will open a special bakery for members of the Congress, with bread baked wholly from American flour procured at the cost of the Congress members." Each delegate is sending $10 in advance for this purpose.
The following twenty delegates and ten alternates were elected at the annual meeting of the United States Section, April 9 to 11, 1921, held in New York City. These delegates will represent the United States Section of the Women's International League at the Vienna Conference. We have reason to believe that members and friends of the League from many countries, in addition to those elected as delegates, will be present in Vienna at the time of the conference. All International members are entitled to the privileges of the floor and are urged to attend.
Miss Mary Hurlbut
Mrs. T. H. Fain
Dr. Alice Hamilton
Mrs. Esther Kohn
Miss Dorothy North
Miss Editha Phelps
Miss Lydia Schmidt
Miss Mary Rozet Smith
Mrs. David Cheever
Miss Rose Standish Nichols
Mrs. C. Laddey
Mrs. John Rettinger
Miss M. T. Burritt
Miss [Madeleine] Doty
Miss Elsa Guertler
Mrs. Florence Kelley
Miss Mabel H. Kittredge
Mrs. J. C. Merriman
Mrs. James Warbasse
Miss Carolena Wood
Miss Sophia H. Dulles
Miss Mary Ingham
Mrs. J. Reece Lewis
Mrs. Wilfred Lewis
Miss Ella [Riegel]
Miss Sanford
Miss Ellen Winsor
Mrs. [Abby] Scott Baker
Mrs. Harriet Connor Brown
Mrs. Mary Church Terrell
Mrs. Henry Villard, Fraternal Delegate, Women's Peace Society
Mrs. J. C. Merriman of the Commodore Hotel, New York City, will be glad to give information and assistance concerning reservations on steamers sailing from New York in time to reach Vienna by July 10th.