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Coolidge, Calvin (1872-1933)
Item Relations
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Republican Party
Interview with Jane Addams, August 30, 1923 (excerpts)
Grave Consequences, 1924
Mary Hall Ingham to Jane Addams, January 31, 1924
James Alfred Moss to Jane Addams, April 8, 1924
Jane Addams to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, United States Section, April 15, 1924
Amy Woods to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, April 16, 1924
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom member to Jane Addams, April 23, 1924
Opening Address, International Congress of Women, May 1, 1924
President's Address, Fourth International Congress, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, May 1, 1924
Samuel Colcord to Jane Addams, May 10, 1924
George Woodward Wickersham to Jane Addams, May 12, 1924
Emily Greene Balch to Samuel Colcord, May 21, 1924
Jane Addams to Eugene Sheldon Leggett, May 23, 1924
Amy Woods to Jane Addams, September 16, 1924
Declaration of Support for Support for Robert La Follette, ca. October 24, 1924 (excerpt)
Amy Woods to Emily Greene Balch, Hannah Clothier Hull, Jane Addams, and Zonia Baber, November 21, 1924
Cyrus E. Woods to Robert Elliot Speer, November 24, 1924
George Woodward Wickersham to Jane Addams, January 13, 1925
Grace Abbott to Jane Addams, February 8, 1925
Jane Addams to Dorothy Detzer, February 21, 1925
Charge Jane Addams Silent as U.S. Flag Was Belittled, ca. March 18, 1925
George Davis Herron to Jane Addams, April 20, 1925
Aletta Henriƫtte Jacobs to Jane Addams, May 12, 1925
Mr. Bryan--A Tribute, August 19, 1925
Jane Addams to Dorothy Detzer, November 1, 1925
Jane Addams et al. to Friend William Richardson, November 3, 1925
The American Youth Award and the American Teacher Award Brochure, 1926
The World Court, January 14, 1926
W. Freeland Kendrick to Jane Addams, March 17, 1926
Thomas Jefferson Centennial Election Pamphlet, April 1926
My Impressions of America, April 1926
Dorothy Detzer to Jane Addams, April 5, 1926
Walter Ansel Strong to Jane Addams, April 16, 1926
Statement on the Abolition of Universal Conscription, April 26, 1926 (summary)
Jane Addams to Hugh Simons Gibson, May 17, 1926
Madeleine Zabriskie Doty to Jane Addams, May 24, 1926
Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation Board of Governors and Chicago Committee list, ca. June 1926
Madeleine Zabriskie Doty to Jane Addams, June 1, 1926
Memorandum on the World Court Conference in New York, October 27, 1926
Lucia Ames Mead to Jane Addams, November 13, 1926
Dispute on Mexico Throws War Cause Parley in Disorder, ca. December 1926
The Progressive, December 1, 1926
Dorothy Detzer to Maud Ashurst Richards, January 13, 1927
A Chicago View of Jane Addams, January 28, 1927
Lawrence G. Brooks to the Editor of the Boston Herald, February 1, 1927
Emily Greene Balch to Laura Morris Evans, February 18, 1927
Jane Addams to Dorothy Detzer, February 19, 1927
Emily Greene Balch to Anna Melissa Graves, March 11, 1927
Refutation of charges against Jane Addams made by the Daughters of the American Revolution, March 31, 1927
The United States and the Permanent Court of International Justice, April 1927
Browse all documents that mention "Coolidge, Calvin (1872-1933)"
Jane Addams to Calvin Coolidge, April 15, 1924
Jane Addams, et. al. to Calvin Coolidge, ca. January 15, 1926
Jane Addams to Calvin Coolidge, August 9, 1927
United States Presidential Election (1920)
United States Presidential Election (1924)
Calvin Coolidge to Cora Wilson Stewart, March 6, 1926
Calvin Coolidge to Cora Wilson Stewart, March 6, 1926
Thomas Jefferson Centennial Election, ca. June 1926
Selections For Use in First Annual Prince of Peace Declamation Contest, ca. July 1926
Calvin Coolidge to Louise de Koven Bowen, December 27, 1926
Pres. Coolidge Lauds Jane Addams, ca. January 1927
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