Dear Miss Addams
The date for the Carnegie Foundation meeting is not yet set. It is moveable, [although] always I believe in April. I am in touch with Dr. Duggan who will advise me further on Monday next; offices being closed since Thursday. I asked him about an English teacher with ↑special↓ knowledge of American literature who might be in Europe this summer. He has some [page 2] names to send me on Monday. He is the one most likely to know from his Directorship of International Institute of exchange professors and students.
I have given Mrs Leach the name of Carolena Wood who will be able to act as our section representative at Vienna Meeting so she tells me. Also I think Mrs Merriman the Sec. of the National Council of Women and an able and [page 3] influential woman will quality as our delegate. She has been besieged by Mrs Villard's people but cannot go with them and is seeking our group; and will very likely go abroad with her husband this summer. I believe it vital to have good delegates ↑from U.S.↓ at Vienna -- I think the expenses of either our Ch. or Sec. should be paid or that one of them can go. I do hope that may be accomplished.
Yours lovingly
Anna Garlin Spencer.
Will write again soon.