Dear Miss Addams:
I enclose the receipt for the food draft purchased with the check you sent me. I have added another food draft of $50. sent from the U.S. Section, both forwarded to Mrs. Ramondt-[Hirschmann], and I am sending Mrs. Ramondt—[Hirchmann's] letter to Dr. Hamilton as you requested.
We are setting the date for the Board meeting for Sept. 28th. ↑It is↓ so nice that you can be with us then!
In regard to seeing the League of Free Nations People about holding an Economic Conference, I should be so much more intelligent on the subject if you could let me have your copy of the conference proceedings in England. Don’t you suppose you could send it to me and I would return it immediately? It would take some time for me to get a copy from England, and I should like to see Mr. McDonald for you as soon possible.
Mrs. Post has written Mrs. Spencer saying that she feels she must resign from the Pan-American Committee on account of the connections we are forming in Mexico. I have asked Mrs. Spencer to write and tell her that after all the Mexican section is simply a section of the International and not a branch of our U.S. Section, so that I can’t see that it will affect us here particularly. Don’t you want to add a word? Did Miss Nichols [page 2] really go as your representative as she states? She doesn’t seem to be quite the sort of person you would select in a rather difficult situation.
I am enclosing a list of members admitted to the W.I.L. from July 26th to Aug. 16th. There are 40 members, 35 National and 5 International.
Yours faithfully,