Dear Miss Addams:
At a meeting of the Board of the Pennsylvania Branch of the [Women's] International League for Peace and Freedom, held [today] in Philadelphia, the Secretary was instructed to ask you if you will be so kind as to tell us of the arrival of the two members of the Manchester (England) Branch of the W.I.L.; their names and where they can be reached; as the Penna. Branch is planning to hold a meeting on the Irish question as soon as these two English witnesses of the Irish situation are able to get to Philadelphia.
We shall not be satisfied unless you come, too, Miss Addams. I hope the shortest route from Washington to Chicago, lies via Philadelphia! There is every possibility of our having a most successful meeting; as the Irish group here is the only live thing in Philadelphia; and they surely need our message of Peace!
That was a splendid gathering of the National W.I.L. in New York last week; the spirit was so enthusiastic.
I had a letter from Miss Balch sending me resolutions on Free Trade for the Universal F. T. Committee. She always keeps us in touch with the work.
Hoping to hear of your acceptance, Miss Addams,
Sincerely yours,
Our official letterhead has not yet come from the printer, so please excuse this.