Suggestions of persons who might be included among those to be invited to a dinner conference on the subject "America's Interest in the Prompt Fixation on a Reasonable Basis of the German Indemnities."
Dwight W. Morrow
Paul Warburg
Paul D. Cravath
Judge Elbert H. Gary
John D. Ryan
R. Fulton Cutting
Charles M. Schwab or Eugene Grace
James A. Farrell
Edwin F. Gay
Charles A. Coffin
T. Coleman Du Pont
John J. Raskob
Owen D. Young
Gen. Guy E. Tripp
Frank A. Munsey
Daniel Guggenheim
P. A. S. Franklin
Adolph Lewisohn
George J. Baldwin
Irving T. Bush
B. Hochschild
Alfred C. Bedford
Herbert B. Jacquelin
William Fellowes Morgan
Darwin P. Kingsley
Ogden Mills Reid
Joseph P. Grace
W. [Averell] Harriman
August Heckscher
Adolph Ochs
Edwin J. [Berwind]
V. Everit Macy
Robert Scott Lovett (N.Y. & Washington)
Otto H. Kahn
John F. Dulles
George H. Hazen
Ralph Pulitzer
E. T. Stotesbury
Effingham B. Morris
Thomas DeWitt Cuyler
Edward W. Bok
George H. McFadden, Jr.
John Wanamaker
Cyrus H. K. Curtis
William M. Wood
Endicott Johnson
Thomas Nelson Perkins
Robert [W.] Herrick
James J. Storrow
James B. Forgan
Marshall Field
Thomas E. Wilson
Victor F. Lawson
Julius Rosenwald
V. P. Legg
Harold F. McCormick
Charles Gates Dawes
Frank B. Noyes
Frederick H. Goff
Samuel Mather
Morris Black
John A. Sherwin
Daniel Willard
Henry C. Wallace