My dear Miss Addams,
I have taken the liberty of giving your address to young Dr Max Bircher, son of the owner of this Sanatorium where I am taking a cure. He is to go as assistant to the Battle Creek Sanatorium in the course of the summer & wants very much to bring you my greetings. His mother is a convinced feminist & a great admirer of yours, having addressed the Congress here last year. If you can show the young man some kindness I shall be grateful to you.
I left London end of January & went first to stay 5 weeks in Frankfurt with my 86 year old father. I then came here to get rid of some of my rheumatic [tendencies] & other weaknesses & have been here now since middle of March. I shall move from here to Geneva for the Congress later on! I shall miss you at the Congress; but I don’t [imagine] you can [page 2] come over again this year? -- We shall miss many old friends, most of all Anna Shaw! -- I am very curious to know how the Alliance will come out of this meeting? Whether we shall [reconstitute] ourselves, or cease to exist? Or change or modify our objects? Anyhow I don’t intend [remaining] treasurer & shall not stand for [reelection]. Mrs Catt wishes to give up the presidency too I believe & I imagine that great changes must take place.
When in Frankfurt, my brother & the Weinbergs told me how much they had enjoyed your visit! My impressions -- as you can [imagine], were not very joyful! Alas! That poor country -- -- -- you know all about it & so I need not describe things to you.
I shall be so glad to hear from you, if you have time. How is Hull House going on? & your health and work? I trust you are feeling stronger again. I am not very grand as yet. -- My family at home is flourishing.
With much love to you and Dr Hamilton.
Ever yours affectly
Adela Coit [signed]