July 27" 1920
My dear Marcet
I had a very good journey here [although] a warm one and arrived later on Sunday afternoon. Frank Smith met me and motored me to this grand spot. Eleanor Smith had been ill and delayed her going until last evening. Mary and I have a very comfortable room and the wound is responding so remarkably to massage that we may decide to stay a week or more longer [although] the charms of Long's Peak call us and Mary's asthma might be better there.
I am sure that I need not tell you again what a pleasure the visit gave me nor how grateful I am for the happy days there. I haven't had an inspiration on the title, very likely "Dust" is the best possible. I have told the story to Mary and she is quite [free] to have the MSS come. She has quite [a] heart to Henry -- whose picture adorns our [suite] [page 2]
I hope I didn't seem inhospitable about the Montessori school -- to tell the truth I was a little scared. We had two cases of scarlet fever among the children during the winter and a charming little boy of four died from diphtheria. To be sure [Janet's?] son came [through] splendidly but then she was acclimated to the neighborhood. If you do decide to try it for a month or two -- it will be perfectly delightful for all of us and I am sure you know that I would love to have you both come.
Mary writes with me in love to the family and in congratulations on the book & the stories. She hopes as I do that we may see you all [somewhere] before you go back to Kansas, [although] we won't appear in Chicago much before the last week in Sept.
With love to Manuel and yourself and kisses to the kiddies with greetings to the staff and [Art?]. Always your devoted Aunt Jane.