April 9th, 1920
My dear Mr. Sedgwick
I have just returned from a weeks vacation at Colorado Springs during which time I wrote two reviews of Canon Barnett’s book, one for the Atlantic Monthly and one to ↑for↓ the Yale Review. I felt much relieved at thus redeeming two promises long since made. I have, however, just read over your letter only to learn that you did not want a review at all but something quite otherwise. If the enclosed does not meet your requirements I shall not be in the least sensitive. I am also sending you a copy of The Yale Review article that you may see my attempt to do ↑one↓ from the standpoint of the University and the other from the Settlement’s.
It is rather absurd to apologize for my carelessness in the matter, the basic difficulty was a delay so long that I had actually forgotten the correspondence although I carried a bad conscience around with me.
Faithfully yours,
Jane Addams [signed]
↑P.S. I have indicated some place where it might be shortened. I suspect page 11 more nearly begins the article you had in mind.
J. A.↓