Jane Addams to William C. Graves, June 2, 1920


My dear Mr. Graves:

May I thank you for your clear statement in regard to the Boy's Buildings at our Country Club.

We are very grateful to Mr Rosenwald for the arrangements he has made and we will at once place the order for two of the portable hospital buildings with Sears Roebuck and Company.

There is only one chance for misunderstanding in your letter, $250. worth of material has already been delivered from the Great Lakes Naval Station, consisted of fifty iron beds, fifty mattresses and thirty five double blankets but we have also ordered fifty chairs and a few tables which are not yet delivered. They cannot cost a great deal but I am trying to state the situation quite clearly. The plumbing estimates have not yet been made.

Will you please convey my appreciation to Mr Rosenwald for his kindness in the matter and I am sure you know that I am grateful for your interest.

Faithfully yours

Jane Addams [signed]

June 2nd 1920