7 High St White Plains N.Y June 1. 1920
Dear Miss Addams
Mrs Cothren and I are at work on new letterheads. With the new and the old members of the Board there is a long list and all valuable as showing breadth of interest.
But we feel there must be no duplication of names if possible to avoid it.
Mrs Charles Bond was named a Regional Vice [Chairman] and also as on the Membership Com representing Patriotic Societies.
It is important that she hold the latter position as the only link we have with the "Orders" of that class likely to be so enlarged by the "War Mothers."
As the name of Miss Helena Dudley was mentioned as one who might serve from the New England States as [Regional] Vice [Chairman] do you think we might venture to put on her name, if she consents, without a full referendum?
I am writing to Mrs Lewis and to Mrs Karsten as those appointed with me to fix things up and also consulting Mrs Thomas and of course Mrs Cothren and Mrs Mead as coming from Boston.
If you approve and they also, I shall write to Miss Dudley. I appreciate her noble labors for the Amnesty so much and ↑as↓ she is one of the few able and willing to really do things all the while I want her personally very much to be listed in this important position.
But my preferences must not sway of course.
Kindly let me know your judgment and that of Miss Abbott and Miss Breckinridge ↑and Mrs Lloyd and other Chicago Board members↓ about Miss Dudley so that if it is favorable I can write to her at once.
I am giving frequent help so far as able to the office and hope for progress during the summer.
Anna Garlin Spencer. [signed]