May 7, 1908
Dear Miss Addams,
I wish to tell you in just a word how fine I consider your article in the last issue of "Charities" on the Settlement & Social Unrest. I have heard the most appreciative comments from several different quarters.
I believe you have rendered a very important service. I do not see how the case could have been better stated.
I wanted to ask you, when you were here, if you would let me have your picture, but did not get the opportunity & had to confide my desire to Miss McDowell –- how fine she is, by the way, -– and she tells [page 2] me you were good enough to say that you would let me have a photograph. Of course, I should wish to pay for it.
I should prize it very much indeed & wish I might have your autograph with it.
Perhaps this sort of thing is distasteful to you, but I am sure you know my motive is prompted by true friendly feeling.
Believe me, with kindest regards,
Yours faithfully
Gaylord S. White
P.S. Thank you for letting Miss Marion come to Hull House in June. She will write you about it shortly.
G. S. W.