Estimate for Feeding 20,000 Children, November 23, 1919



for feeding 20,000 children

according to Pirquet's schedule -- 1 liter milk per child a day, or its equivalent in nutritional value. The figures are from memory and need revision.

Milk 1 kilo (or about 1 Liter)= about

330 cal. as Fat
200 [cal.] Proteids
195 [cal.] as Carbohydrates

A similar nutritional value would be

250 grams beans
100 grams lard or butter
500 unsweetened con milk
200 grams sweetened c.m.


[fresh] milk in Switzerland about 45 ↑di↓ per kilo

The same nutritive value condensed milk about 55 ↑di↓ kilo
[ The same nutritive value] in beans 65-75
[The same nutritive value] lard 70
[The same nutritive value] butter 80

Average expense per 1 child 1 day 60 ↑di↓ + 5 ↑di↓ - 10 ↑di↓ for fuel & service

Or 20,000 children one day wd cost 13,000 frs or £570 sterling [page 2]

To this cost


Children wd pay 50 pfenning a day each=
Town Council would add 1 pf a day
Well to do people wd contribute 5 pf a day
Government would add 1000 a day
Charitable organizations add daily

13,000 M.

Costs:      Frs: 13,000 = 100,000 Marks a day

less 13,000 local contributions

To be found outside Germany 84,000 Marks

Which equals -- 11,310 Frs or £500 st: or $2000

For six months cost $376,000 for 20,000 children

Proposed scheme for American Bounty. In big cities (over 100,000 [illegible]) there may be about 9,000,000 Germans -- with children (6-10) to be fed at least 300,000. Six months cost for these would be 5,640,000 dollars -- or sixteen times $376,000 would sixteen American towns or groups of towns each undertake a big German town where 20,000 children have to be fed at cost of $376,000.

For instance

New York might undertake Berlin with 5 parts
Chicago [might undertake] Hamburg [with] 2 parts
Philadelphia [might undertake] Breslau [with] 2 parts
Milwaukee [might undertake] Leipzig [with] 1 part
Cleveland Ohio [might undertake] Breman [with] 1 [part]
San Francisco [might undertake] Frankfurt [with] 1 [part]
[illegible words] St. Paul Minneapolis/New Orleans/ = 3 [parts]

[illegible words]