My dear Miss Addams:
I am enclosing you one of my recent outcries, thinking that you might care to look at it. The article is the somewhat recast material delivered at John Marshall high school last June for their closing exercises. Of course they were all too full of hope and personal ambitions and plans to take in all I meant, but the teachers undoubtedly got my talk.
Now, in print it brings strange reactions; yet it may set some thinking [illegible] ↑and↓ that is the most one may hope to do. I wish Miss Hamilton might see it, though it occurs to me at the moment that she might want to “hit back” in her bright and witty way.
I am sorry I had to decline the invitation you were so kind as to give [me] last evening. I could ↑not↓ say on the phone all I felt. And I could never be insincere with so noble a woman as you. Mrs. Todd is in bed [today] and that, feared last evening, would suffice. But poor [illegible line of text] him a great deal if I sat down to meet with him, that is, if I spoke one audible word. And you would then be very unhappy. But I take and read The Nation, these twenty years ↑past.↓ [page(s) may be missing]