February 22, 1920
My dear Miss Addams:
Thank you very much indeed for your kind letter of February 11th; I was so very glad to get it.
I hope that when the cold weather has let up a bit that I will be able to go to Chicago for a few days and see you and my sister, Mrs. Robins. It would mean a great deal to me to talk over the German situation with you.
While you were abroad did you get in touch with Dr. Gertrud Baumer? She is at the head of the School of [Philanthropy] connected with the University in Hamburg, as well as being the leading woman in the [Reichstag]. I do not believe she is as radical as Dr. [Salomon], but I think she represents the German women as a whole more completely. She is the one who was so close to Dr. Naumann. It is a great privilege to me that I established a relationship which is based on friendship.
In Munich I saw Miss [Heymann], a friend of Anita [Augspurg]. These women are very International. I think it is to this group that Dr. [Salomon] belongs. It is very curious how the average German woman is not at present represented by this group. They [page 2] are far too local and on the whole ↑they↓ do not care so much for them. That is one reason why I did not take the time to look up Dr. [Salomon] in Berlin, as my time was so very limited.
Hoping that I may see you within a month or so,
Believe me, with affectionate greetings,
Katherine S. Dreier [signed]
↑P.S. Please forgive the mistakes of my secretary -- I have had such bad luck since mine got married.↓