Lucia Ames Mead to Jane Addams, November 22, 1919

19 Euston St.
Brookline Mass.
Nov. 22 19.

My dear Miss Addams.

I am sending Mrs. Lewis ↑a copy of the report with↓ the resolutions which should accompany my report. I thought they would better be grouped together instead of inserted in the body of the report. I find that we passed a resolution on suffrage which is not included in this list and of which I had no copy. I don't know what can be done about it now and am very sorry for the omission. It was the least important resolution as we are all [page 2] suffragists, but it is very embarrassing to me not to be able to supply the wording. I am sending you a duplicate of the report I send to Mrs. Lewis and will ask you to make such corrections and additions as you like and forward it to her. There are one or two places which need filling out.

I do not know whether it is the length that you desire, and how many copies will be needed. I shall leave it to Mrs. Lewis to get it copied and issued to the offices and others.

I wonder how Chicago is receiving the defeat of the Treaty. I feel that everything depends on the reaction of the country now. Unless it comes soon, good and hard, we shall [page 3] have to wait until the election and heaven knows what may happen before that. I expect universal military training and a general débâcle of Europe.

80 percent of the people and the Senate want us to be in the League, I do believe.

I dined with Mr. Pethick-Lawrence last night and each found the other perfectly hopeless as regards the Covenant, though we agreed on the blockades and the labor question.

I wonder how you feel about the ratification. I never felt sure just what you would do were you a Senator and had to take the Covenant and Treaty together.

Yours, faithfully,

Lucia Ames Mead.

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