Jane Addams to Stanley Ross Linn, December 4, 1919


My dear Stanley

I am sending you and Myra one of Miss Benedict's new pictures because it is new and because you need a few bigger pictures. I will send a little package for Jane later, but the real purpose of this letter is to ask you whether you think that between us we might get a piano for Myra's Christmas. It might be a little solace to her to have music in the house. I could pay $150. down and the rest might come along on the [installment] plan. Could you have a good piano selected at Los Angeles and let me know the cost and terms of payment ↑before buying↓. I should want to know what we were in for. It might be possible to get a good second hand one for two hundred dollars in which case I would try to do it all at once. Please let me know what you think about it, and telegraph if it is necessary to save time and thus possible to have it on hand by Christmas. If this plan doesn't strike you favorably, please suggest something to me. In any case you know that you both have all the love in the world from your Loving Aunt

Jane Addams [signed]

Hull-House Chicago
December 4th 1919

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