Jane Addams to David Starr Jordan, December 1, 1919


December 1st, 1919

My dear Dr. Jordan:

Dr. Fried attended all of our conferences in Zurich and I wish very much that I might have some money to send him. We have been trying so hard to get money for the starvation in Central Europe that all my energies seem to go into that. You have doubtless seen the enclosed letter written by Professor Lammasch to Professor [Herron] or a similar one but I am sending it to you on the chance that you may not have had it.

We have had cables almost every week from various people in Germany urging help in special instances. The whole situation is really heart-breaking. I do hope some engagement is going to bring you and Mrs. Jordan to Chicago some time soon.

With cordial greetings to both of you, I am

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]