Emily Greene Balch to Executive Committee and Consultative Members of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, December 18, 1919



19, Bd Georges-Favon

December 18, 1919

To the Members of the Executive Committee and to Consultative Members,

The following proposal from Madame [Chichmanova] has just been received. Will you be so kind as to consider it and suggest what you think can and ought to be done?

An appeal from our Bulgarian Section was mailed to all our National Sections on December 1. This should be read in connection with Madame [Chichmanova's] appeal.

All our members who were are Zurich will remember Madame [Chichmanova]. She spoke for Bulgarian women, but informally. Long after the Congress her formal mandate as their delegate was duly received.

Her present address is: Madame Lydia [Chichmanova], chez. M,1e capitaino Schmidt, Weissensteinstr, 93, Berne, Switzerland.

It would be my impression that the best hope of justice and therefore of peace would be

(1) a return to power in all countries, but notably in England, France and American, of democratic minded men and women.

(2) a revision of the League of Nations and peace treaty.

Meanwhile it is evident that whatever can be done to enlighten public opinion and create interest regarding the Balkan situation is a very great gain and there is no doubt of the ineffectiveness due to a small group of our responsible representatives having to disperse their attention over so many subjects.

With cordial greetings for the holidays and best wishes for the New Year,

Emily Balch, Secretary.