Emily Greene Balch to Jane Addams, September 1919



GENÈVE: 19, Bd Georges-Favon

Dear Miss Addams,

We are just getting out a Sept. News sheet of which 1000 copies are to be sold in Frankfurt in the streets (we hope); and a circular to National Sections. I hope you will find both reasonably O.K. [page2]

Mrs. Prenter writes me as Secy of the Canadian Section ↑Branch↓ (room 35, 33 Richmond St W. Toronto) Miss Perry has no married. I hope this means a real start in Canada & wish you might give them a friendly boost of some sort. (They even propose to send some money to Geneva!)

I am trying to do what I can about Mrs Robins' Wash. Congress of Wg Women but hear privately the official conference (and I suppose this with it) [page 3] is to be postponed.

I received [yr in] cable in reply to my circular letter (on Pax et Libertas & other things) but will write of that in my next.

Florence Holbrook is here -- a rather [ungifted] observer of wonderfully interesting things. The Budapest part, where she had people to show the ↑her↓ things, is the most rewarding. Her idea of an international college, which at Zurich did not appeal to me, was, as shaped [up] by Dr. Otto Karmin who is full of enthusiasm for the idea, really interests me, especially the idea of it as [page 4] in part an international school of journalism (and peda teaching especially of international lit. hist and politics).

How about our Am. Section. Is it to live or die?

With such lots of love always

Emily Balch

The Zurich report drags shockingly, alas.