Emily Greene Balch to Rosa Manus, August 25, 1919


Geneva, August 25, 1919.

Dear Miss Manus,

We are getting our accounts into shape and have arranged to have them audited by the Secretary of the Banque Fédérale here. Do you not think that it would be best for us to continue our accounts in the same account books that were used while the office was in Holland? How soon do you expect to close up the accounts in your hands? I certainly do not want to hurry you and I know how busy you are. At the same time we ought to have our accounts for our first quarter, ending August 31, audited as soon after that date as possible. On receiving your accounts with the balance, if any, I, as treasurer, will at once send you a "décharge" and this office will accept the obligation to meet any bill authorized by you in case any shall come in afterward. The accounts of Fräulein Erni for the Zurich Congress are in our hands.

Of course it would cost a good deal to send the account books by post, registered, but it would cost less than to buy new ones here and don't you think it would be more satisfactory and businesslike? But whether you send the books is not so important as to have the Dutch accounts so that I may make a complete accounting to the Committee.

May I hear from you what you want done?

I might add that it so happens that 4 of our Board of ten are here and that all -- Mlle Gobat, Fräulein Heymann, Madame Ramondt and myself, approve this letter.

Once more with cordial greetings
