Emily Greene Balch to Theodora "Thora" Daugaard, July 2, 1919


Geneva, July 2, 1919.

Miss Thora Daugaard,

Dear Miss Daugaard:

I am awfully sorry that you are no longer so active a member of our Danish Branch. Miss Addams asked me to reply for her to your letter of May 8 and I hope you regard this as an adequate answer. It was impossible for her to attend to her correspondence herself.

Would you not put us on your mailing list to receive your new womans weekly?

The Zurich Congress has given our work a new start in all countries and no one can give a more effective effort ↑help↓ than those doing general stick ↑journalistic↓ work .

Perhaps you will be coming to Switzerland some day and [then] I shall have the pleasure of seeing you.

Yours always very cordially,

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