April 5./19
My dear Miss Addams
[This] letter from Mrs Barnett and these tributes to her book are very interesting.
I am thinking, of the review of the Volumes for The Survey. I wish you might have done it, or even now could write an advance notice of its appearance -- however brief. [page 2] Could you not do this much on your way East?
Would Robert Woods review the volumes so well as any one on this side of the water?
If by any hitch it should be left to me -- as a last chance -- could I borrow your copy? But you may be taking it along. Then you could [page 3] write The Survey a Steamer letter about it.
I am writing Paul Kellogg that he may expect a line from you advising him whether to expect any thing from you by way of notice or review, or, if not, what you advise The Survey to do about it. So please write him from the train. [page 4]
Good bye again -- with every best wish for your pleasure en-route and the success of the significant occasion to which I know you will contribute so vitally.
My only regret is to miss you from the reunion of old friends of the Commons -- chief among whom you have been all these years in inspiring and heartening me -- and in [illegible] Mrs Taylor in her [illegible] and more trying experience.
Graham Taylor.