Emily Greene Balch to Jane Addams, June 25, 1919



International Office: Geneva
19, Bd Georges-Favon
Bureau des Etrangers,

Dear Sirs,

I understa

June 25/19

Dear Miss Addams,

See me saving paper!

The above is a false beginning of a letter to Berne to facilitate Mme Ramondt's passport. The official has just been in about my permis de séjour and apparently the matter is about to be satisfactorily decided.

You wrote me to use the Paris printed copies of the Resolutions. No [page 2] copies have yet reached me but I am writing to Madame Duchêne asking her if she can help me procure them. If not how I get hold of them?

The "[Souer]" people have improved their offer a little and feeling sure we cannot do better than close with them I have done so. This will make cost [price] c 2 francs.

On June 14 I sent to you & to Chrystal M. a draft of a letter to the Exec. Com. members with minutes from Zurich meetings asking for your corrections. As 11 days have brought no reply I think I had better send this out now without waiting to hear from you.

It has turned cold here, "La Bise," but it is lovely if it brings rain we must [written on left margin] [rejoice] it is so needed.

Always Aff'y Emily Balch

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