December 17th, 1918
My dear Mrs. Spencer:
I am enclosing a copy of a communication from the New York Branch, urging that the annual meeting be held in January, as early as it can be arranged. I am also enclosing a copy of my reply.
I am planning to go to Washington the first week in January and should be glad to go or come by way of New York if your committee can arrange for a meeting then. It is quite understandable that they should feel impatient and we might, of course, arrange for a Convention now even if the regular annual meeting were postponed until Spring.
Mrs. Mead's minutes read that the annual meeting would be postponed until the call of the chairman; whether this meant the Chairman of the Woman's Peace Party or the Chairman of the Committee I do not know, but I rather think it meant the latter.
I have had one or two big audiences lately when I have talked about the League of Nations. We could put ourselves squarely on that platform and doubtless be of more use now than later.
I am sending a copy of this letter to Mrs. Leach and Miss Balch, the other members of the Committee.
Affectionately yours,
Jane Addams [signed]