Feb. 20, 1918.
My dear Miss Addams:
Please find enclosed outlines of the four research studies on "The Open Door," by David Starr Jordan, Admiral F. E. Chadwick, Henri Lambert, and John A. Hobson. These outlines were made by Professor Hull. The subject for discussion at the dinner on February 28 is the third point of the Minimum-Program. There will probably be one or two addresses on this subject, followed by general discussion. Professor Hull will probably present also his report on the first two topics, -- namely: Annexation and Nationality.
Professor Hull suggests that after the reports are completed for all the points of the Minimum-Program, they be printed as the American opinion on the various points. Will you kindly consider this matter, which will probably come up on February 28?
Most sincerely yours,
Fannie Fern Andrews [signed]