New York, February 7, 1906.
My dear Mrs. Blaine:
I enclose a list of names forwarded by Professor Graham Taylor and Miss Jane Addams, and to each of whom we will send our financial letter. Will you kindly ask your secretary to check these off so that there may be no duplication with your list, and return to the list to us at your convenience?
Yours very truly,
Joseph F. Bowen 136 Astor St. Chicago, Ill.
Mrs. M. H. Wilmarth, Auditorium Annex, [Chicago, Ill.]
[Mrs.] L. A. Coonley-Ward, 620 Division St. [Chicago, Ill.]
Frank R. Lillie, 5801 Monroe Avenue [Chicago, Ill.]
Edward B. Butler, 3408 Michican Ave. [Chicago, Ill.]
Alfred L. Baker, 209 LaSalle St. [Chicago, Ill.]
E. M. Barton, 4920 Greenwood Ave. [Chicago, Ill.]
Seymour Coman, 234 LaSalle St. [Chicago, Ill.]
W. S. North, 26 Walton Place, [Chicago, Ill.]
E. A. Bancroft, 184 LaSalle St., [Chicago, Ill.]
Julius Rosenwald, 4901 Ellis Ave. [Chicago, Ill.]
Harry M. Wolf, 183 Dearborn St. [Chicago, Ill.]
Frederic A. Delano, 1 "Nat'l" Bank Bldg., [Chicago, Ill.]
Frederick W. Upham, 215 Dearborn St., [Chicago, Ill.]
Ernest A. Hamill, 2637 Prarie Ave., [Chicago, Ill.]
Frank G. Logan, 2919 Prarie Avenue, [Chicago, Ill.]
John S. Field, 2250 Michigan Avenue [Chicago, Ill.]
Nelson P. Bigelow, Lake Forest, Ill.
Edwin G. Foreman, 3750 Michigan Ave., [Chicago, Ill.]
Wallace Heckman, 135 Adams Street, [Chicago, Ill.]
Alexander H. Revell, Adams & Wabash Ave., [Chicago, Ill.]
A. G. Baker, 9 Jackson Boulevard [Chicago, Ill.]
E. J. Tilden, Pres. Libby, McNeill & Libby, Co., Chicago, Ill.
Robert Mather, 144 Van Buren St. [Chicago, Ill.]
William Kent, 12 Sherman Avenue, [Chicago, Ill.]
Charles R. Crane, Fine Arts Bldg., [Chicago, Ill.]
J. Harley Bradley, Desplaines & Fulton Sts., [Chicago, Ill.]
James B. Forgan, 1 "Nat'l" Bank, [Chicago, Ill.]
Frank B. Noyes, Record-Herald [Chicago, Ill.]
J. H. Selz, Monroe & Market Sts. [Chicago, Ill.]
Charles H. Wacker, Western Union Bldg., [Chicago, Ill.]
J. V. Farwell, Jr. 148 Market St. [Chicago, Ill.] [page 3]
Dr. H. B. Favill, 100 State St. Chicago, Ill.
[Dr.] Frank Billings [100 State St. Chicago, Ill.]
Charles L. Hutchinson Corn Exchange Bank [Chicago, Ill.]
A. C. Bartlett, c/o Hubbard, Spencer & Bartlett, [Chicago, Ill.]
John G. Shedd, Marshall Field & Co. [Chicago, Ill.]
Clarence Buckingham The Rookery [Chicago, Ill.]
John Farson, 140 Dearborn Street [Chicago, Ill.]
Marvin Hughitt, North Western R. R. Co. [Chicago, Ill.]
William G. Gardner, [North Western R. R. Co. Chicago, Ill.]