Jane Addams to Anna Marcet Haldeman-Julius, May 13, 1918


May 13th, 1918

My dear Marcet:

It was very nice to have your telegram and I am so glad that I shall see you and Alice at Kansas City.

I am afraid, however, that it will not be very satisfactory. I arrive Thursday, May sixteenth at 8:45 A.M., and share a room with Mrs. Kohn at the Hotel Muehlebach. At noon I am given a lunch by the Suffrage Association; at three o'clock I speak at a Conference and at eight at the evening meeting. Friday I speak at a lunch at the City Club, at 12:30; address a mass meeting at three; leave at six p.m. for Manhattan, Kansas; speak there before the College the next morning at eleven; get into Kansas City again at five and leave at eleven p.m., for Chicago.

I am afraid I shall have to get back to Chicago because we have a meeting of the Federation of Settlements the next week and there are many things I will have to do in order to get ready for that. Clara Landsberg could not get away until Friday night at the best and I am afraid it does not seem an auspicious moment for either of us to come to Girard. Perhaps we will see you very soon at Cedarville. ↑We are both counting on that.↓

If you are not on your way up there, I am afraid it will not pay you to come up for the short visit we would have, but, of course, you know that this is only a counsel of prudence and that it would be delightful to see you.

With love to Manuel and Alice, ↑Always & forever↓

Your loving Aunt,

 Jane Addams [signed]