Jane Addams to the Delegates of the International Congress of Women, November 5, 1918


International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace

The Section for the United States of America
The Woman's Peace Party
Office: 116 South Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois

November 5th, 1918

To the Delegates and Alternates of the International Congress of Women.

Dear Madam:

It is certainly possible that the armistice now being discussed in Paris, may be concluded within a few weeks and that the Official Peace Conference will be then convened. I am therefore enclosing a copy of a letter of instructions sent two years ago to the "Committees of Five" in each of the twenty-one countries in which the International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace has national organizations. It will serve to remind us all once again of the arrangements which were made at the Hague and which we have since discussed at our annual meetings.

I am also enclosing a list of the twenty delegates and ten alternates most of whom were appointed in 1915 and have met annually since then. The Committee of Five for the United States, consisting of Mrs. Mead and Mrs. Andrews from Boston, Miss Balch and Mrs. Kelley from New York, and myself, are planning to hold a meeting Sunday, November twenty-fourth, in New York City.

To this meeting all the delegates and alternates are invited and a notice of the exact hour and place will be sent to each one within a very few days. While a full attendance in hoped for, it is not considered urgent because the meeting will be occupied with making practical arrangements for the coming International Congress and a careful memorandum will be sent by mail to each of you.

It is, however, most important that we should hear at once from each delegate and alternate as to whether it would be possible for her to go to Europe within the next two months. You will recall that each delegate and alternate defrays her own expenses, although I am happy to report that eleven thousand dollars have been secured from women in the United States towards the general expenses of the International Congress, with outstanding pledges for four thousand more.

To those who send in an affirmative reply that they are able to go, detailed instructions as to methods of procedure will be sent. The whole question of securing passports may be a very difficult one. It has been rumored that all the governments concerned will refuse passports for any other meetings to be held at the time and place of the Official Peace Conference. For this and other reasons, it is most important that no premature efforts to secure passports be made by anyone of us.

After the meeting in New York, the Committee of Five will issue a statement which will be more definite and we hope, reassuring.

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Please address reply to Hull-House,
800 South Halsted Street,

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