Says She Is Particularly Interested in Stories of Early Days in Chicago -- Englewood Year Book, Just Issued, Gives Promise of an Active Season in Several Departments -- Daughters of American Revolution to Hold State Conference on Oct. 13 and 14.
"There is nothing that I like better than to hear the tales told by the old settlers and early timers of Chicago," said Jane Addams yesterday afternoon, in addressing the Hull House Woman's Club.
"As a rule, the old folks are forgotten," she continued. "In the bustle and worry of the present day we are apt to be selfish and think only of ourselves."
She cited an instance of lost opportunity which the pioneers of Chicago are fond of telling. It was a tale told by her father.
"In the early part of 1844 my father first came to the vicinity of Chicago," she said. "He was driving a prairie schooner, and when he was at the site of the post office his wagon became mired. Instead of staying mired, he managed to pull through and traveled past Chicago over 150 miles. If he had [stayed] mired and located in Chicago he says he would be in much better circumstances than he is at present."
At an executive session of the club Mrs. Laura Dainty Pelham, president, and Mrs. Emma Andre were elected to represent the club at the state federation in Springfield in October. Mrs. Sallie Hallowel and Mrs. Nellie [Elmers] were elected alternates.