January 30th, 1918
My dear Miss Van Winkle:
I am writing at Miss Addams request to tell you that the doctor has refused to allow her to go to St Louis this week.
Miss Addams has not been quite as well for the last week as she usually is and the doctor has put her to bed in order that she may have a thorough rest for a while. She expects to be able to take engagements again very soon.
Miss Addams has received the requests for transportation and the expense memorandum book and wishes me to thank you for them.
She wishes me to tell you that she expects to be in California during March and will therefore not be able to keep an engagement in Cleveland for the City Club on the ninth of that month. She would be glad to go at a later date. A request has come for Miss Addams to speak before the California Federation of Women's Clubs meeting during March and she has referred this to your department. Perhaps it could be arranged while she is in California.
Very sincerely yours,