Agnes Dyer Warbasse to Jane Addams, December 5, 1917


December 5, 1917.

Woman's Peace Party,
Hotel Adelphia,
Philadelphia, Pa.

My dear Miss Addams: --

It is with deep concern and regret that I find at this late moment that I am unable to attend the Woman's Peace Party Convention. A purely family emergency, with my children, alone detains me here. Outside claims could not keep me from being with you: -- for by my presence I should hope to prove my continued faith in our movement. I should hope to help to keep it firm and true to its original program. I should endeavor to help to keep its policy consecrated to the same great ideal -- World Peace and World Federation, regardless of the international complications that we find ourselves in today.

Surely if there is one group who should dauntlessly hold aloft the White Flag of Peace, it is the WOMAN'S Peace Party. Let us not as women or as human beings, dedicated to the great cause of Peace, lower our standard one iota. [page 2]

When I say this, I feel I am speaking for a great number, hundreds, of women in Brooklyn that I know personally of -- who like myself cannot be at the convention today to vote. But could they be there, could they vote for policies which represent their hopes and ideals, they would vote, I am sure, to retain the same name and to endorse only those aspects of the congressional program and of the future policies which uncompromisingly make for Peace and Internationalism, and which in no way endorse the present war policy of this Government. We are consistent in opposing the war today as well as all wars, as a means of settling International disputes.

Again with sincere regrets in not being with you at the Convention, and with renewed assurances of my confidence in your united counsel and decisions, believe me to be, with greetings to all,

Sincerely yours,

Agnes D. Warbasse. [signed]

P.S. I should be glad to have this read during the discussion and entered on the records if you think it desirable.

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