Alice Thacher Post to Jane Addams, September 28, 1917


September 28, 1917.

My dear Miss Addams:

I shall be very glad to attend the meeting of the Executive Board at the place and on the dates you specify in yours of the 26th. I think Mrs. Wilmarth is most kind and I am very happy to accept her invitation as far as I personally am concerned. I will try to be in Chicago on the evening of the 18th or early on the 19th, and shall expect to take the train you mention on the afternoon of the 19th. If they can have me I shall expect to spend any interim time at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Graves, 4249 Hazel Avenue. But I will write you of that in advance, that you may know where to reach me in case of any change of plans, at the last moment.

Faithfully yours,

Alice Thacher Post [signed]